One President
Two Vice Presidents
One Secretary
Two Joint Secretaries
One Treasurer
20 Executive Committee Members at least one member representing each state of the country and the executive body can modify its it’s structure in future to have proper representation from all over the country
Two Advisors, one overseas coordinator, one website moderator, one Editor to be appointed / nominatedby executive committee at its discretion after inviting applications from persons with suitable background such as teaching experience, research work experience, publication in Journals at National and International level. Similarly one website moderator to be appointed after calling for applications with suitable back ground such as experience/acquaintance in software, hard ware knowledge. These appointments shall be made for a specific tenure subject to the condition that these appointments are liable to be terminated at any time at the discretion of the executive committee, if the performance of such appointees is found to be unsatisfactory and upon proper enquiry.
Confirmation of the minutes of the last annual general meeting and of special general meetings conducted if any.
Adoption of the report of the working of the society for the previous year ended 31st day of March.
Election of the office bearers and members of the committee.
Appointment of auditors and fixing their remuneration.
Consideration of the proposals, if any for additions and alteration of these rules and regulations of which due notice has been given.
Consideration of any matter, resolution confirmation or ratification thereof that may have been forwarded by the committee.
Any business of which due notice has been given to the society by life members at least 10 days before the date of annual general body meeting with the approval of President.
Any other business by the permission of the chair.
If after issuance of the notice, the annual general meeting is not held or is prematurely dissolved owing to any unforeseen circumstances, a fresh notice shall be given for a fresh annual general body meeting within such period as the executive committee may deem proper not withstanding anything contained in the rule or any other rules or regulations referred to herein.